Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Interventions Manchester

What is remote Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy?

Remote CBT is delivered using Google Meet, secure internet video conferencing software. There is no need to download any software to your device, as Google Meet works in your internet browser. It is as easy as clicking the appointment link emailed to you.

If you would like to learn more about Google Meet please click the link

What can I expect at my remote CBT Appointment

Your remote CBT treatment session will be exactly the same as it would be if you had face to face treatment, without having to travel to appointments.  For many people, remote CBT therapy can be preferable due to the flexibility it offers.

Does remote CBT therapy work?

The research shows that remote online CBT therapy and phone CBT, can be just as effective as face to face CBT, with the advantages of not having to travel and being more flexible around your other commitments. If you would like more information on the efficacy of remote online CBT and phone CBT please click the link to the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists link

What do I need?

  • You would need to have:
  • an internet connection
  • a computer or electronic device (with camera and microphone)
  • Access to private, quiet space