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CBT therapy for Emetophobia

How CBT can treat emetophobia

It’s safe to say that most people do not welcome the sensation of vomiting, but it only ever really becomes an issue for the short period of time they are ill. However, sufferers of a very specific phobia known as emetophobia feel incredibly anxious at the thought of vomiting to the extent that it can make them avoid situations such as dining out for fear of becoming ill.

People who experience emetophobia can spend a disproportionate amount of their time worrying about vomiting. Even if they are not feeling ill, just the thought that they might get sick can sometimes trigger anxiety and distress.  It is common for people with a psychological fear of vomit or vomiting to eliminate certain foods from their diet or have unhelpful attitudes towards food, such as constantly checking to see if it has gone bad. Severe emetophobia can even stop some sufferers from travelling for fear of getting carsick.

Emetophobia is a very distressing condition which can make people feel very isolated and shameful of their feelings. Hiding symptoms or not talking about the phobia increases the anxiety and traps the person in a vicious circle.

How cognitive behavioural therapy can help

If emetophobia is affecting the quality of a person’s life, there is help that they can seek. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based form of verbal counselling that helps clients who have a fear of vomit or vomiting to identify their negative thoughts when they happen.  Being aware of when and why these unconstructive thinking patterns occur is the first step to adapting the behaviour patterns that are causing distress.

A qualified CBT therapist will work with a client individually to address the anxiety they experience when thinking about vomiting and develop techniques to minimise the distress they feel when unhelpful thoughts occur. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Interventions provide a safe and controlled environment in which explore the challenging beliefs an emetophobic person holds. Over time, the client will start to think less about their fear of feeling sick or vomiting and learn to live a life free from emetophobia.

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