Private clients Fees
- Video Conference/Phone
- CBT/ Psychotherapy Appointments
- Platform: Google Meet,
- Duration: Usually last approximately 50 minutes
- Cost £70.00
In Person, Face to Face
CBT/ Psychotherapy Appointments at my Consulting Room
- Duration: Usually last approximately 50 minutes
- Cost £85.00
- These appointments are currently unavailable.
Insurers, Solicitors, Employers and Third-Party Client Referrers Recognised CBT Provider
I am a recognised Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist by most healthcare insurance providers, such as: BUPA; AXA PPP; WPA; AVIVA; Curian Medical; CIGNA, Vitality Health, Nuffield Health, and others.
Please contact me to discuss your requirements.
Clinic Appointments
Appointments are offered: Monday – Friday, 9.00 am – 8.30 pm, including daytime and evening appointments. Saturday, 9.00 am – 4.30 pm.
Closed: Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Appointments are paid for at the time of booking. Appointments need to be made at least two work days before the scheduled date and time. A confirmation receipt is issued at the time of booking and an email containing a link to attend the appointment will be sent to you, for the scheduled date and time.
Appointments can usually be made within the week, subject to availability.
If you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment the appointment can be rescheduled or cancelled up to 24 hours before the meeting, either by email to info@cbtinterventions.co.uk or by text to 07881348694, or you will be required to pay the full session fee for any missed or non-attended appointment.
If you attend late for your appointment, we will be unable to make up your time, as other clients will have scheduled appointments after your appointment.
The first appointment is usually an assessment to understand the problems you are experiencing, and identify a structured way forward, based on your goals.
CBT can be a highly effective evidence based talking therapy and research outcomes for remote video conference CBT and face to face CBT sessions are similarly positive and effective.
CBT appointments are framed within British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapist, professional standards.
I am committed to protecting your confidentiality and I am registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), and will follow where applicable any guidance and codes issued by the ICO, relating to the General Data Protection (GDPR EU 2016/678).
Limits of confidentiality
You should be aware that in certain circumstances I may be required to disclose information about you without your consent. This would normally only be done where there are serious concerns about a risk to you, or other people you come into contact with or where it is felt to be in the public good.