How I Can Help You
It's my goal to create a comfortable, safe environment where we'll work together to achieve your goals.

Psychological Services
Expert Clinical Psychologist in ManhattanI’m a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in the Manhattan where I provide psychotherapy for adult individuals and couples. I’m Board Certified in clinical psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP), a distinction held by fewer than 5% of psychologists.

I Help You Deal with Problems That Are Inward.
My Therapy
ACT is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals to recognise the challenges that suppressing, avoiding or denying their emotions can bring.
EMDR is a form of psychotherapy designed to help people to heal from the emotional distress that is created as a result of traumatic life experiences.
Compassion is an emotion that connects us with other human beings and is believed to play an important part in our emotional wellbeing.
Help From a Qualified Psychologist
These are feelings that don’t add up, work you don’t like, parents who morally pressure you, and others reasons.
A psychologist is not just a doctor. He does not make diagnoses and does not tell his clients how to act and what to do.

People are re-applying